Real Estate

Let us help you grow your business through the web

A real estate agency situated in the United States required assistance with Facebook Ads and entire marketing.

    The Challenges:

  • For more than 15 years, customers had a successful real estate business.
  • They were making use of traditional display strategies and had an exceptionally hard set up for frame of references.
  • But over the most recent a half year, before joining MarkWeb IT, they had encountered an unexpected drop in leads, clients, and general business.
  • They in spite of everything had a decent name in the business yet they didn't have a solid digital appearance.
    Our Policy:
  • From the underlying review insights, we understood that digital marketing and brand recognition will be the beginning stages for this customer.
  • We began helping the customer by making a large number of video content for social media marketing.
  • Then we implement the Golden Ads Strategy to begin the brand awareness and campaigns for engaging more customers.
  • Profitably, we helped the customer to think of 4 distinctive Lead Magnets.
  • With our assistance, the customer made an entire Lead-stream and the channel.
  • We began the Leadgen Campaigns with the Rapid Fire Testing Strategy.

    The Outcomes:

  • Within the following 3 weeks, we had accumulated 349 new leads.
  • We have generated 7 new paid leads.
  • 5 Winning ads innovative resources and a successful audience technique.
  • The CPL was kept under $4.
  • CPA was less than $200.
  • The customer had 340+ leads in the channel.

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